Genesis 1 Interpretation

Genesis 1, verse 1 says that the first things God created were heaven and earth—not any other planet, just Earth. Verse 2 says that the earth was empty and formless. It also adds that the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Here, the earth is said to be empty while at the same time having waters.

Creation of light and darkness

In verses 3 to 5, God creates light and separates it from the darkness. He calls light the day, and darkness the night. Here, the verse suggests that day and light are synonymous, and so are night and darkness. In other words, the verse implies that when you enter a dark room where you are unable to see anything, then you are in the night. When you are in a perfectly lit place at 2 am, then you are in the day. It is God who called light the day and darkness the night in Gen 1: 3-5.

Creation of the vault (Sky)

In verse 6, He creates a vault to separate waters above and waters below. This means that the waters above, the clouds, are separated from the waters below by some vault. In verse 8, the Bible defines the vault as the sky. Then, it means that the sky separates clouds from the waters below. Science is wrong because it contradicts God when it says that clouds lie lower than the sky. The Bible is clear that for you to reach the waters above (clouds) you would have to pass the sky first. Planes cannot be flying over the clouds without having passed the sky. Remember, to this far, the Bible has not talked about how water was created. It just existed.

Land, vegetation, and sky lights

From verses 9 to 13, God creates dry land and vegetation. From verses 14 to 19, he creates lights in the sky for them to shine upon earth. One greater light (the sun) is to govern during the day, while the other light (moon) is to govern the night. This part does not expose ignorance because the Bible cannot be wrong. Science says that the light we see from the moon is a reflection from the sun. The bible says the moon is a light on its own. Similarly, we should not be claiming to see the moon during the day because that would mean that the moon is overstepping its mandate.  Remember, there are areas in the north and south poles that have midnight sun and polar nights. This is an interesting phenomenon; for details, please read further. If the sun and the moon were created for purposes as mentioned in the bible, we would not be experiencing phenomena such as the midnight sun and polar nights.

Could science be wrong on stars and planets?

Science tells us that the sun is just a star that happens to be close enough to Earth. Had it been too far, we would not be seeing it as we do. There are billions of stars smaller, equal to, and larger than our sun, and it is the distance that makes the difference. The sun is only 150 million kilometers away, and light from it takes 8.3 minutes to reach the Earth. Comparatively, UY Scuti, which could fit 5 billion suns, is so far away that light from it would take 9,500 years to reach the Earth. Compare 8.3 minutes to 9,500 years, do some math. Surprisingly, we see UY Scuti as a small star, not because it is small, but because it is far away. We see the sun as big as we do, not because it is large and the biggest thing in the sky, but because it is much closer to us.

In Genesis 1, the bible generalizes everything observed from the sky as a star, yet there are planets and asteroids. For instance, Venus is a planet yet we see it as “the evening star,” and Mercury is also a planet that we see as “the morning star.” Even though they appear as stars, and the Bible calls them as such, we know that they are not stars but planets. So far, rovers crawling on Mars have been able to take pictures of Earth, and as expected from a scientific perspective, the Earth appears as a small star when observed from Mars.

Image from NASA showing the appearance of Earth and the moon as “evening stars” when observed from Mars.

Genesis 1 ends by pointing out that God created man in His image and handed all the living things to him to govern. Such claims are only made because humans tell a one-sided story. Humans do not have absolute power over the rest of creation; rather, they have adapted naturally to survive in an elaborate environment. Every other creature is adapting, including bacteria. Now that we mentioned them, remember that nowhere does the Bible mention the creation of bacteria or protozoa. It is either they do not exist or someone forgot about them because they are too small.

In our next analysis, we will go through Genesis 2 and so on until we have fully read the holy book step by step. Stay close!

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3 responses to “Genesis 1 Interpretation”

  1. Em Avatar

    This is interesting

  2. SK Avatar

    This is the kind of content we would want to see. Keep them coming!

    1. Nancy Mwangi Avatar

      Much appreciated, let’s take this journey together!

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