We need something to believe in

A person without a belief system is comparable to an empty shell. No matter who you are and what you do, the beliefs inside you propel you forward consciously and subconsciously. We all need to believe in something to achieve our dreams. For example, you need to believe in yourself when handling a challenge. You would need to believe that you can, even before you have started. Things like education are there to affirm our beliefs. The certification you get after your studies is a tool to enhance your confidence and competency in handling tasks of a particular nature.

At times, we use beliefs that are not right to achieve our goals. The good thing is that quite often, they seem to work. Since beliefs are mostly meant to help us achieve certain goals, whether they are right or wrong does not matter much. We need results, including boosting our psychological power and enhancing energy and observable outcomes.

Religion is an example of how beliefs work. Different religions worship differently, and they all seem to have a significant impact. Even if such significance is absent, the believer believes it is there and it is good for them. As such, no religion is right or wrong as long as the perceived and imagined outcomes are positive. Some think they could worship a cow, which works for them. Others pick a snake, and it still works. Different items, including mountains, trees, and supernatural figures, have been used to enhance beliefs. In all these belief systems, one constant factor is enforcing psychological powers.

Even the so-called non-believers are believers, only that they do not necessarily subscribe to certain beliefs. Similarly, atheists are believers in that they believe in the absence of God. Those labelled as non-believers are some of the strongest believers, but their beliefs may not be limited to a specific definition. After all, they believe in themselves, a valid belief system.

While I may appear to criticize religion on my blog, it does not mean that I am entirely negative. Rather, I only attempt to present the real picture to those who can see. People should understand their beliefs before being fanatical and asserting them to others. Even though I believe in science, I would not impose it on people. Not to mention the atrocities most people (including children) endure when they are forced to accept unsolicited beliefs as the truth. My job is to enjoy passing my thoughts but not telling you what to believe in.

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