Category: Articles

  • This is Not Jesus Christ

    This is Not Jesus Christ

    Image from Jordan Anthony. The picture above is not that of Jesus Christ. It was a painting done less than 400 years ago, in 1632, by an artist named Diego Velázquez. It is an oil on canvas painting measuring 249 cm by 170 cm, currently housed in a Spanish Museum, Museo del Prado, Madrid. If…

  • No, humans are not special

    No, humans are not special

    One assertion you will find in the Bible is the assumption that humans are special. The Bible says that they were created in God’s image. This is wrong, and such a claim is only expressed as such as it comes from humans. Humans wrote the story, but we could lie to ourselves forever until we…

  • What Truly Motivates in Gospel Music and the Bible

    What Truly Motivates in Gospel Music and the Bible

    Gospel music is good, not because it is Gospel but because it is music. Music is uplifting in its inherent nature. The art, the rhythm, and the patterns influence, not the Holy Spirit. To be fair enough, such influence is sweet because it is motivating, and we all need motivation in our lives. Zilizopendwa, rhumba,…

  • The God you seek is a concept inside you

    The God you seek is a concept inside you

    Here is a question that most people struggle to answer despite the answer being outright: Does God exist? Some say and strongly believe he does, while others strongly believe he doesn’t. Only a few people answer that question correctly. The correct answer is that WE DO NOT KNOW. People can convince themselves that he exists…

  • Why I was a Christian

    Why I was a Christian

    I grew up firmly rooted in Christianity memorizing Bible verses, attending church, singing Christian songs, and professing my faith in salvation. Being “born again” was seen as obedience, and regular church attendance was considered a measure of faithfulness. As a child, I studied Christian Religious Education (CRE) as a compulsory subject. I got baptized long…

  • Heaven is to the sky, while hell is to earth’s mantle

    Heaven is to the sky, while hell is to earth’s mantle

    Suppressed Perspectives Some people will tell you they will go to heaven on the condition that they follow certain teachings. It is a laughable wish. Let us look into it step by step. Books talk about heaven and hell. Heaven is towards space, while hell is toward earth’s core. In the Bible, the word heaven…

  • Believing in heaven and hell means you expect your friends to burn

    Believing in heaven and hell means you expect your friends to burn

    Suppressed Perspectives To a person who chooses to be honest with themselves rather than suppress their feelings for the fear of burning in an everlasting fire, the thought of living in a mansion made of gold somewhere after they are dead doesn’t click. Even before worrying about its authenticity, let us use our reasoning to…

  • Relax, no one is burning you in a hell

    Relax, no one is burning you in a hell

    Suppressed Perspectives Christians say that those who do not obey the Bible will burn forever. Revelation 21 verse 8 reads, “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the…

  • Did God sacrifice Jesus?

    Did God sacrifice Jesus?

    Suppressed Perspectives One of the central ideas in Christianity is that God sacrificed his only son. Hebrews 10 verses 12 to 14 reads: But after Christ offered one sacrifice for sins, forever, he sat down at the right side of God. 13 And now Christ waits there for his enemies to be put under his…